/Kit – Pressure Test Engine/ Cargo Fire Extinguisher
Airframe & Powerplant B737 General Maintenance TOMX Fabrication

Kit – Pressure Test Engine/ Cargo Fire Extinguisher

10M-6645 tool is used to perform pressure testing on the fire extinguishing discharge lines in the engine and cargo area.

As a complement for the tool is necessary to use the kit with the PN 201719ADLMRO

  • 10M-6645
  • 10M-6645ADLMRO
  • B737 2600-7406
  • http://ingenieria.ad.techops.mx/VALIDACIONES%20DE%20HERRAMIENTA/Equipo%20de%20Prueba%20y%20Herramienta%20de%20Fabricaci%C3%B3n%20Interna/TOMO%209%20EQUIPO%20DE%20PRUEBA%20Y%20HERRAMINETA%20DE%20FABRICACI%C3%93N%20INTERNA/307.%20Kit-%20Pressure%20Test%20Engine%20and%20Cargo%20Fire%20Extinguisher%20-%2010M-6645ADLMRO.pdf
  • Warehouse